Let’s meet Merlin


Merlin started as a Finbite’s consultant in 2016 and overcame one of her personal fears. Today she fulfills the duties of a client manager. Since Merlin works from home, her closest co-worker is her dog Fiona, whose barking has become familiar to many colleagues and clients.

How did your career lead you to the world of fintech?

It is somewhat ironic that I left my previous job precisely because of the transition towards e-invoices – I worked as an reckoner, entering purchase invoices and product quantities into a system. So I joined the Finbite team in October 2016, when we were still calles Omniva invoice center. I started working as a Consultant and answered customer inquiries by phone and e-mail. The biggest fear of mine was public speaking and conducting trainings, and I overcame this thanks to my work as a Consultant. Today I feel much more confident when performing.

2019. aasta alguses pakuti mulle võimalust hakata osaliselt täitma kliendihalduri kohustusi ja võtsin need rõõmuga vastu. Kuna jooksvalt tuli kliendihaldusega seotud ülesandeid juurde ning vastutus kasvas, siis selle arvelt kahanes konsultandi ülesanne osakaal minu töölaual. Nüüdseks olen täiskohaga kliendihaldur ning tegelen Finbite´is arveldusega.

What are you working on at Finbite today?

I handle everything related to Finbite’s invoicing regarding the services and solutions that we provide to our customers. In addition to that, I open accounts in our system for new customers and close old ones, if necessary. I like that this profession requires concreteness and punctuality, all tasks are always clear.

What has been your greatest work-related achievement that makes you really proud?

I am most proud of automating the customer management workprocesses. In the past, creating invoices and collecting the necessary data was largely manual work, but today we can proudly say that we have made it much more automatic. Thanks to automatization, invoices always have correct information and errors occur very rarely.

Tell a funny story about a situation that has happened to you while working in Finbite.

Certainly the funniest things happened when starting out and the system was still unfamiliar to me. All the notes made during this period make me smile, but thanks to it I also understand better our new customers who are just getting used to the system.

Currently, working from home offers many fun moments. For example, there have been situations where my dog starts barking during a customer call. This often leads to an awkward silence between me and the client, but luckily the clients are understanding and their concerns get resolved, despite my dog wanting to get her say in the matter.

What are you looking forward to or what is something you would definitely want to accomplish in Finbite?

Certainly, one big change is going to be the final separation from Omniva’s systems. This will definitely involve a lot of changes and work, but hopefully we can make our own and customer’s workflows even more convenient.

what helps you to organize your thoughts after a busy working day.

My loyal best friend, my dog Fiona, brings me the most joy. We practice agility and go for walks every day. In addition, I really like gardening and anything related to the outdoors, because after a long day at the computer it’s nice to put my fingers into the soil. If there is still time left over from all this, I jump on my motorcycle and enjoy the ride.


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