Getting started! For new users

Introduce Finbite solutions to your whole team

It’s said that getting started is the hardest part of any project – let’s take the pressure of by introducing Finbite solutions and capabilities to your whole team. We’ll go over the most important settings to get you started with smart billing solutions. The introduction can be done online or in a face to face meeting.

What will the training be about?

  • User and company settings and how to change them.
  • Settings related to purchase invoices.
  • Settings required to submit sales invoices.
  • Setting for expense report solution.
  • Authentication code and how to integrate Finbite solutions with your ERP software.
  • Rules for importing registers and setting up VAT codes.
  • Purchase invoice menu and solutions.
  • Sales invoice menu and creation.

Target audience

The training is intended for new users who are just getting started with Finbit solutions.


The fee for Starter, Lite and Standard package customers is 89€/hour. For the Premium package, the initial training is included in the package price. For a more detailed quote, please use the enquiry form below.

Request the course for your team