Latest updates in the Finbite environment


The Finbite environment did not take a break during this summer, but evolved and developed. A number of major and minor changes have been made to improve the user experience. Some long-awaited updates are also in the pipeline for the autumn.

What’s new in the Finbite environment?

In addition to the ongoing work to improve the stability, reliability and performance of your systems, a number of features have been added.

Confirmation circle – approve invoices and expense reports with one click from any smart device

The changes made in the confirmation circle are largely visual. For example, we improved the appearance of the drop-down menus and the number display format. All numbers are now displayed as standard – 2 digits after the decimal point.

We have also removed the checkboxes that appear in front of the invoice row when approving single line invoices. Since there is only one line on the invoice that you want to take action on, you no longer need to mark it to perform actions.

On the technical side, we have improved the function for account assignment and adding dimensions to invoices in the confirmation circle and made the dimension search more convenient and efficient. In addition, when confirming a purchase invoice, it is now possible to fill in the IBAN with a number from XML or to select the correct account number from the register of suppliers. Previously, this option was only available in the purchase invoice view, but we have now added it to the confirmation circle.

Coming soon! All these small changes in the confirmation circle have given us the opportunity to release a completely new confirmation circle view already this autumn, which will be much more compact and convenient than the current one.

Substitutes in the confirmation circle

In the Finbite environment, when you are away from work, you can designate a substitute and authorise them to approve invoices for a certain period. We have now also improved the logic for assigning replacement periods and substitutes as well as added restrictions. For example, the substitution period cannot be longer than the original approver’s right of representation.

Purchase invoice view – accept purchase invoices in any format

We added PDF icons to the Purchase Invoices menu view to allow users to conveniently download invoices to PDF.

Expense reports – submit economic and travel expense reports from Finbite Finance app

The selection of countries for making expense reports on travel expenses is larger than before. For example, we added Kosovo to the list of countries.


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